Use "misgiving|misgivings" in a sentence

1. The misgivings were dispelled.

2. He agreed, despite his misgivings.

3. 2 She eyed the distant shoreline with misgiving.

4. I tried in vain to dispel her misgivings.

5. His misgivings seemed to cause him indigestion.

6. 10 Carrie observed his ease with some misgiving.

7. 7 A stab of misgiving shot through Val.

8. 16 Misgiving mixing unimaginable gladness made me feel dizzy.

9. All her misgivings came flooding back.

10. I had grave misgivings about making the trip.

11. She decided to go despite her misgivings.

12. 13 There was misgiving in his own voice also.

13. I have serious misgivings about taking the job.

14. 11 Parents at nearby misgiving whether ability success.

15. 6 She eyed the distant shoreline with misgiving.

16. Misgiving mixing unimaginable gladness made me feel dizzy.

17. 1 I read the letter with a sense of misgiving.

18. I viewed the process with grave misgivings.

19. 12 A slight misgiving found place in Joan Durbeyfield's mind.

20. She shared my misgivings about the planned weekend.

21. In fact, Ralph did have misgivings about switching careers.

22. 9 Misgiving mixing unimaginable gladness made me feel dizzy.

23. 8 He looked with misgiving at the overcast sky.

24. She had some misgivings about what she was about to do.

25. 6 One imagines with misgiving the last scene on desolate Eldey.

26. Opponents of nuclear energy have deep misgivings about its safety.

27. McKenna expressed serious misgivings about several of the officers.

28. Many teachers expressed serious misgivings about the new exams.

29. 15 Thus the first hour of misgiving was swept away.

30. 14 My mother looked round with an expression of misgiving.

31. 5 With some misgiving, I ordered a half carafe of red wine.

32. 9 With some misgiving, I ordered a half carafe of red wine.

33. Many others join the unions, but with considerable misgivings.

34. Some politicians have expressed grave misgivings about the scheme.

35. 29 In all of Carrie's actions there was a touch of misgiving.

36. By the long trail of Barterings & dissemblings, palterings & misgivings

37. He had considerable misgivings at the prospect of moving jobs.

38. 21 They are great simply because they receive life without misgiving.

39. 28 synonyms for Compunction: guilt, misgiving, qualm, scruples, regret, reluctance, sorrow

40. 28 The first words of the text filled us with misgiving.

41. 16 He looked with misgiving at the strange man in front of him.

42. 23 He had adopted the profession by accident and practised it with misgiving.

43. They have deep misgivings about allowing business values to permeate the schools.

44. Despite my misgivings[sentencedict .com], I dropped heavy hints at home.

45. There were some misgivings within the ranks of the media too.

46. 155 synonyms for Concern: anxiety, fear, worry, distress, unease, apprehension, misgiving, disquiet

47. 24 May be they are simply great enough to receive without misgiving.

48. 4 Slowly and with misgiving, she went down to greet the Reverend James Longley.

49. Recall, with misgivings, that what attracted me to Spouse originally was his wit.

50. I felt I had to express my misgivings about her decision.

51. Such misgivings are precisely the result of being fettered by circumstance and habit.

52. She had serious misgivings about the whole affair, but they proved unfounded.

53. 17 Love becomes solicitousness, hope sinks to misgiving,( and faith to hope.

54. Despite her misgivings, the passionate sincerity in the girl's declaration of faith struck a chord.

55. 18 He looks with misgiving at the strange man in front of him.

56. Despite misgivings, I acquired a New Testament and began to read it.

57. Not without many misgivings did he find himself in Mrs. Proudie's boudoir.

58. It was too irksome to lie there, harassing my brain with a hundred idle misgivings.

59. The local people still harboured considerable misgivings over the flood of workers into their village.

60. Luke's dismissal of Elise as a mere client had rekindled all her misgivings.

61. Despite her misgivings about leaving the baby, she decided to accompany her husband.

62. 3 My only misgiving is that we might not have enough time to do the job properly.

63. 27 The man of honour is broad and tolerant , the flunky is worry and misgiving.

64. 20 In short, is it not a concession to the misgiving, to keep the forge?'.

65. Jack had very decided misgivings about Minto's impulsive suggestion that Warnie should live with them.

66. Synonyms for Apprehensions include anxiety, worry, alarm, concern, disquiet, fear, unease, uneasiness, dreads and misgivings

67. Despite his misgivings, Eisenhower later wrote the Army's official incident report that endorsed MacArthur's conduct.

68. He dismissed any previous misgivings because all at once he felt protective towards the girl on the couch.

69. Langford still had water in his canteens, but he accepted out of politeness, he says, and with some misgivings.

70. 14 As Soap beached the craft and ushered the two ashore, Pooley viewed the place with the gravest misgivings.

71. They had misgivings about Mr Major's diffidence, felt he was not carrying the battle to the strongly challenging enemy.

72. Practising aerobatics and spinning will help to overcome any misgivings you may have about flying in steep turns at low speeds.

73. The Prime Minister countered by stating that he had grave misgivings about the advice he had been given.

74. McDonald last week overcame all financial misgivings and agreed to play baseball for the Baltimore Orioles organization.

75. The Committee was not without its own misgivings about non-cohabitation as a prerequisite for prosecution for marital rape.

76. 22 Problem is excessiveness the reaction may cause the crisis spread and then cause market the participants of misgiving ego realization.

77. Insecurity usually mars this relationship. This can be one extremely mawkish union. Unique, destructive, yet passionate and lustful resulting in impair and misgiving.

78. 26 Insecurity usually mars this relationship. This can be one extremely mawkish union. Unique, destructive, yet passionate and lustful resulting in impair and misgiving.

79. Finally, after deliberation, it was decided to initiate the Peace Corps program despite misgivings about working under a military regime.

80. Compunction noun a twinge of misgiving I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time resisting lovely skeins of sock yarn